Flu vaccine

Winter is here and with the return to school comes the return of the tissues and running noses. However amongst the usual coughs and colds the flu can lurk causing disabling fever, aches, pains and general miserable feelings. Not only that but in the very vulnerable I.e. the very young, old (over 65 per WHO and most medical bodies), pregnant women and those with chronic medical conditions e.g. diabetes, hypertension, respiratory illness including smokers and anyone with impaired immune systems the flu can be incredibly serious and even fatal.

Therefore we advise everyone to book now for the flu vaccine which is available from October each year. It is important to get the vaccine every year as the strain/type of flu changes each season so the vaccine itself needs to change to match this. Also it is important to get the flu vaccine prior to the flu season starting in November to give our bodies sufficient time to develop the required antibodies to fight the virus when in contact with it.

The flu vaccine is free of charge to GMS/Medical card holders with above mentioned conditions. Don't forget to visit www.undertheweather.ie for advice on simple measures and management of the symptoms associated with the flu and also common colds and viruses.